看見非形女子 主視覺


Exhibition Description:

This curated exhibition draws its inspiration from the "Seeing the Invisible Women - Collection of Life Experiences of Women with Disabilities," organized by the Foundation for the Promotion of Women's Rights and Development. The content originates from dialogues with women with disabilities of different ages and life stages. From a gender perspective, the exhibition sheds light on the challenges they face in their daily lives, uncovering the long-standing gender-related dilemmas experienced by women with disabilities that have often been overlooked.


To facilitate greater understanding among the general public, the exhibition invites the accomplished artist, Xiao Lang Xie, who has dedicated himself to social welfare and public good, to interpret these stories into relatable and touching visual narratives. The artworks present 20 stories covering various aspects such as growth, physicality, emotions, marriage, motherhood, employment, safety, medical care, and caregiving.


However, it's important to acknowledge that these stories are just the tip ofthe iceberg, as there are many more women with different types of disabilities facing numerous unnoticed daily challenges and needs.


Through this exhibition, our hope is to challenge stereotypes and prejudices towards women with disabilities, to start truly "seeing and hearing" their voices and needs. We aim to foster personal transformations, leading to a more supportive and inclusive environment, and society, where they can thrive in various roles. Simultaneously, we also aspire to encourage more women with diverse disabilities to speak out about their gender and disability experiences, fostering mutual understanding between different communities and jointly creating a more friendly and respectful society.

By reshaping national systems and promoting gender mainstreaming, we can work towards building a society that is more equitable and empowering for all.


Poster Of  Seeing the Invisible Women


Venue In Kaohsiung


Venue In Taichung

 Click here to visit online exhibition☚



The experiences of women with disabilities in this manual are based on the shared experiences of participants in empowerment courses; therefore, it only provides examples of women with physical and hearing disabilities. If any organizations, schools, community groups, or other units are interested in participating in the exhibition tour or obtaining publications, please feel free to contact us for further inquiries.